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Made Exclusively for Uppercrust!! 
The Wimbourne, Warwick & Ascot Fitted Hamper Baskets 

Wimbourne This 2 person fitted hamper is made from full buff antique wash finish willow with coloured faux leather fittings and handle. It has a large zipped chilled compartment to the base. There is a variety of 4 colours to choose from Blue, Cream, Green & Red 

Warwick- This 2 person fitted hamper is made in the shape of a half moon and is made from full buff antique wash finish willow with coloured faux leather fittings and handle. It has a large zipped chilled compartment to the base. There is a variety of 3 colours to choose from Blue,Green & Red 

Ascot- This 4 person fitted hamper is made from full buff antique wash finish willow with real leather fittings & handles. This basket features a Trunk style lid and has a zipped chiller compartment to the base.

All of our exclusive basket contain; China Plates, Stainless Steel Cutlery & Wine Glasses 

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